ANgel FunD

What is the BC/PR PTO Angel Fund?

In the fall of 2021, the PTO Executive Board, working closely with our school social workers and principals, saw an opportunity to create an Angel Fund to provide support to Bullock Creek Elementary and Pine River students whose families may have a current financial need. The Angel Fund is in direct alignment with our mission to support and enhance the education of children at Bullock Creek and Pine River elementary schools. We strive to help create an inclusive learning community where all students have the tools and supplies they need to effectively participate.

How are Funds Used?

Funds contributed to the Angel Fund will be itemized in the PTO’s monthly financial statements that are presented at our general meetings and shall remain itemized until used solely for Angel Fund purposes.  Assistance is available to all BC/PR families in need, and requests for assistance are kept in complete confidence and are handled through the school social workers or principals only.  The type of assistance is not limited, but may include items such as winter boots, school supplies, daily living necessities, etc.


The PTO intends to make the Angel Fund a beneficiary of certain fundraising efforts, such as special spirit wear days for donations or other mini fundraising efforts, throughout the school year. Families will be informed of any fundraising efforts’ intended use prior to the occurrence of any such event or activity by noting that the donations will benefit the Angel Fund. 

Families or individuals who wish to contribute by making a donation to the Angel Fund directly may write a check made out to the BC/PR PTO in the desired amount and noting “Angel Fund” in the memo line at any time, or use the donation button below.