Popcorn & Spirit Sale Fridays
What activities happen on Spirit Fridays?
Volunteers pop popcorn at both BCEL and Pine River for all students and staff. Popcorn is FREE. (This is a great way to spend a few hours volunteering and getting more involved with your student’s school! Email volunteer@bcprpto.org for more info.)
BCEL Spirit Stick Sales
On select Fridays, in addition to free popcorn, students at BCEL are also given the opportunity to purchase spirit sticks. Spirit sticks are small, collectable, keychain tags that are earned as positive incentives from teachers and school staff. Students can also add to their collections by purchasing some on their own during these Fridays as well as during special PTO events. Spirit sticks cost $1 (*some special edition sticks or group packs may cost more*).
Pine River Smencils / Scented Stuff Sales
On select Fridays, in addition to free popcorn, Pine River students are also given the opportunity to purchase smencils (scented pencils) and other scented items (such as gel pens, key chains, and stickers). These items are new for this school year, as we have seen decreasing popularity in spirit sticks for some of our older students. Limited spirit sticks may still be available at Pine River from time to time for holidays or other special occasions. Smencils / other scented items cost $1 – $2 each.
Directions for Sending Money
If you are sending money with your student, please place the money in an envelope or bag with the student’s name, teacher’s name, what the money is for (i.e., spirit stick or smencils), and the amount to be spent (exact change is preferred). An average amount students bring is around $2. Some families choose to participate only on occasion or not at all.
Why does the PTO have Spirit Fridays?
Fundraising (for Student Incentives)
The proceeds from the sale of spirit sticks, and now smencils and other scented items, are used to provide positive incentives for teachers and staff. The PTO purchases the spirit sticks that teachers pass out to students as rewards/incentives. (A purchase of 1 spirit stick for your student will allow the PTO to purchase another 1 spirit stick for a teacher/staff member.) At Pine River, proceeds from these activities help support funding of some of the PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) rewards/incentives.
Boosting Lancer Spirit
Providing popcorn on Spirit Fridays creates a buzz of excitement as the wonderful aroma drifts through the halls, helps build school spirit and Lancer Pride, and allows for every student to receive something, even if they do not participate in purchasing spirit sticks or smencils.